Buy Lonsdale Boxing Equipment online


Elastic Lonsdale bandages with Velcro to protect the hand and knuckles.
They are easy to wrap and wrinkle-free. They can also be cleaned in the washing machine.
They are available in the following dimensions: 350cm x 5cm and 450cm x 5cm (each length x width).

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LONSDALE Jump Rope Shenton - Red/Black

The Lonsdale skipping rope can be used in many ways, it is ideal for fitness, boxing, endurance sports or leisure activities. The rope is free to move at the handles, allowing for quick jumps and smooth rotation.
The ergonomically shaped plastic handles ensure a firm grip during training and the low weight makes it perfect for children.

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LONSDALE Jump Rope Shenton - Blue/Black

The Lonsdale skipping rope can be used in many ways, it is ideal for fitness, boxing, endurance sports or leisure activities. The rope is free to move at the handles, allowing for quick jumps and smooth rotation.
The ergonomically shaped plastic handles ensure a firm grip during training and the low weight makes it perfect for children.

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8,99 EUR

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