Belly Pads for Martial Arts & Kickboxing

One of the most popular Muay Thai equipment is the abdominal pad.
While the Thai Pads are usually the sole choice for padholders, the belly belt should also be an integral part of the trainer equipment.
The abdominal belt is used to train knee kicks, punches and kicks from the front to the middle of the body.
In combination with Muay Thai pads you can study effective combinations which is the krey to success in the competition.
Without the protection of a Belly Pad body you can train only conditionally, because who wants to get a strong hit in the liver or kidneys?The Belly Pads are usually available in one size.
The Velcro strap can then be optimally adapted to your body type.
Fairtex Belly Pad

The light, yet strong stomach protection to absorb the effects of push kicks or knee bumps.
Extra slim shape for a good fit at the waist and better protection of the groin area.

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Belly Pads with thigh protectors from Twins and Booster fightgear

From Twins Special and Booster fightgear you can purchase Belly Pads in a set with thigh pads.So you can train low kicks and kicks effectively against the thigh.
In combination with Muay Thai pads you can do all Stand Up martial arts techniques like punches, kicks, elbows and knees, which is probably the most effective Muay Thai workout ever.
A further practice with a Belly Pad is the Muay Thai Clinch, which is made of knee-socks, a typical technique of the classic Muay Thai.